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Ph.D. Student at the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks, ETH Zurich.

Nationality: Indian
Date of Birth: 1995/02/24
Marital Status: Single
Home Address: Leonhardstrasse 13
Country: Switzerland
Province: Zurich

PhD (2017 - present): ETH Zurich (Supervisor: Prof. Didier Sornette)
MS (2012-2017): IISER Kolkata
BS (2012-2017): IISER Kolkata
Higher Secondary (2010-2012): Ravenshaw Junior College, Cuttack (CHSE, Odisha)
Secondary (2005-2010): Jashipur Govt. High School, Mayurbhanj, India (BSE, Odisha)

Languages: Python Matlab R Bash Fortran Mathematica

Database: MongoDB MySQL SQLite Neo4j

Front: HTML CSS Bootstrap Markdown JavaScript

Automation: Selenium

Software: Origin LabView LATEX MS Office

OS: MacOS Linux (Ubuntu) Windows

Optimization: Evolutionary Algorithms Swarm Intelligence Simulated Annealing MCMC

Signal processing: Financial Spatio-Temporal Adaptive

Machine learning (S.): Ensemble Learning Deep Neural Networks

Machine learning (U.S.): Reinforcement Learning

Agent Based Models: Financial Markets Evolutionary games Networked societies Epidemic processes

Bayesian Inferences: Stochastic processes Simulation-based Inference Time Series Graphical Models

Jul-Aug 2017Max Planck Inst. for the Physics of Complex Systems, GermanyAdvisor: Dr. Steffen RulandsEmergence and universality in the regulation of stem cell fate
Aug 2016- Jun 2017IISER KolkataAdvisor: Prof. Supratim SenguptaIncome inequality in a dynamic network
May-Jul 2016Aalto University, FinlandAdvisor: Prof. Mikko AlavaPredicting Creep Failure from Cracks in a Heterogeneous Material using Acoustic Emission and Speckle Imaging
Dec-Jan 2016NTNU, NorwayAdvisor: Prof. Marta MolinasWind turbine failure detection from Complexity measure of phase currents
May-Aug 2015NTNU, NorwayAdvisor: Prof. Marta MolinasBrain Actuated Drone
May-Jul 2014JNCASR, IndiaAdvisor: Prof. Kalyan B. SinhaStochastic Processes
Jun-Jul 2013NIT, Sikkim, IndiaAdvisor: Dr. Md. NurujjamanSynchronization of coupled modified wien bridge circuits